All tagged protests

After the Iran Protests: How Europe Can Keep Diplomacy Alive

The aftermath of the protests presents significant challenges for the Iranian leadership. The Islamic Republic is dealing with severe economic difficulties and a fraying of the political fabric. Washington will use the recent unrest to argue against Europe engaging with Tehran. But diplomacy remains the only viable path to deescalation. Europeans, led by Emmanuel Macron, must protect the space for dialogue.

Closure of Tehran Bazaar Reflects Fierce Elite Competition, Not Popular Politics

◢ The bazaar of today is not the bazaar of forty years ago, and no longer plays the same role as a key actor in Iran’s popular political mobilizations. The recent bazaar closures reflect primarily the economic self-interest of bazaar elite, who sense an opportunity to put the brakes on reforms that threaten their unique capacities for lucrative arbitrage. Protests are being co-opted as a political tool at the expense of genuine civil society mobilization.

In First Survey Since Iran Protests, Expressions of Solidarity as Economic Outlook Darkens

◢ A timely new survey published by the University of Maryland’s Center for International and Security Studies (CISSM) offers the first insights into Iranian public sentiments following last month’s protests. 

◢ The results underscore the central role that economic frustration played in the recent mobilizations and illuminate a common thread of economic frustration. A clear 58 percent of respondents believe that Iran's economic conditions are worsening, the highest proportion since May 2015.

Iranian Protests And The Working Class

◢ There is growing consensus that the core constituency of the recent wave of protests in Iran is working class youth who feel "forgotten" in the country's economic plan. 

◢ The expected post-sanctions windfall has yet to materialize and the Rouhani administration will need to decide whether it will compromise on its austerity-type budgets in order to offer some near-term economic relief.