All tagged rouhani

Rentierism and Rivalry Between Riyadh and Tehran

◢ Though widely described as move to consolidate political power, Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman's  decision to arrest members of the Saudi elite points to anxiety about Saudi Arabia's economic prospects and the risks of rentierism. 

◢ The rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran is driven by the fact that the Kingdom is increasingly economically vulnerable at a time when Iran's fortunes are set to improve. 

Oil Giant Total Takes to Twitter to Underscore Iran Commitment

◢ In a series of tweets published on Tuesday, Total's press office pushed back on reports that the company is rethinking its Iran strategy in light of pressure from the United States. 

◢ The tweets emphasize that Total CEO Patrick Pouyanné sees no political barriers to the South Pars gas deal, and is simply waiting to see whether following Congressional action legal conditions will allow the deal to move forward. 

The Other "Forgotten Man": A Look at Iran's Blue-Collar Workforce

◢ Iran's blue-collar workforce is the backbone of the country's economy, but has been largely overlooked by international policymakers and business leaders as a key stakeholder group. 

◢ The new populist political environment in the West requires new ways of positioning the Iran Deal. Increasing awareness of Iran's working class could be a powerful way to connect to Western electorates.